Wifes iPhone of blue flashing orb hovered then passed over our home 09 06 2015
Learn more of Corey’s experiences with 70+ episodes of “Cosmic Disclosure”, hosted by David Wilcock:
Wife's iPhone of blue flashing orb that hovered then passed over our home 09 06 2015 - @ 9:14 PM Central Time. No sound. Larger shiny structure visible to naked eye. Did not come out in video very well. (Auto-Enhanced by YouTube). Still have original file.
After running this through image filters this is not an SSP Vessel or Sphere Being Alliance Orb. This appears to be TPTW or someone else screwing with us. There was zero sound and it was about 10 - 12 feet across. You could see "metallic" like structure to it but until the filters were added the strange shapes were not seen. I have had 2 break in attempts and people that know where I live do other things around my home to screw with us. This may very well be the case with this incident.
Learn more of Corey’s experiences with 70+ episodes of “Cosmic Disclosure”, hosted by David Wilcock:
Watch the 1st EPISODE FREE! www.gaia.com/cosmic1
And the 2nd, too! www.gaia.com/cosmic2
Identified as an intuitive empath (IE), Corey Goode was recruited through one of the MILAB programs at the young age of six. (MILAB is a term coined for the military abduction of a person that indoctrinates and trains them for any number of military black ops programs.) Goode trained and served in the MILABprogram from 1976-1986/87. Toward the end of his time at MILAB he was assigned to fill an IE support role for a rotating Earth Delegate Seat (shared by secret earth government groups) in a “human-type” ET SuperFederation Council.
More from Corey Goode:
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Corey Goode byl identifikován jako intuitivní empatik (zkrácene IE) a hned v útlém veku, když mu bylo šest let, byl naverbován prostrednictvím jednoho z tajných programu do MILAB. Goode podstoupil výcvik a v programu MILAB sloužil v letech 1976-1986/87. Ke konci jeho služby v MILAB mel za úkol zajištovat v roli intuitivního empatika jako podpory pro strídavého delegáta z planety Zeme, kdy takový delegát mel mandát zasedat v Rade mimozemské superfederace složené z mimozemských národu lidského typu (pricemž byl tento mandát sdílen ruznými pozemskými tajnými vládními skupinami).
Slovo MILAB je termín, který pochází ze zkratky anglických slov Military Abduction – únosy lidí armádou, kdy byly takové osoby psychicky manipulovány, a prevádeny do bezpoctu tajných vládních vojenských programu.