Secret Interstellar Spacecraft Use Superluminal Tachyon Drives

A fleet of spacecraft have been secretly constructed using tachyon drives that are capable of interstellar travel at superluminal speeds.

Corey Goode    16 Jul 2015
 interstellar    30,996


There are many types of drives that are produced and used from the simple electrogravitic drives, torsion (warp) drives to the more advanced temporal (phase) drives.
Packing and prepping for the next round of Gaiam TV shoots to have a good number "in the can" and ready to be released. I haven't seen the first episode myself yet and hope to get a look at it very soon. The release date is still Tuesday 7/21, the first two episodes will be free. The name of the series is going to be Cosmic Disclosure.

See the full here:


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