Tag: "conference"

Joint SSP, Sphere Alliance & ICC Leadership Conference & Tour of Mars Colony on 6.20.2015
ICC Mars Colony Conference Report June 20th 2015
Human Elite Attempt to Negotiate Cessation of SSP Alliance Disclosure in Latest Conference
Update on the latest conference negotiations between the Secret-Space-Program Alliance and the human "Committee of 200 " elites.
Tuesday, 09 June 2015
The Upcoming Offworld Conferences
As I stated prior, I was informed that I would be brought up to what I am told will be 3 conferences in the first week (or 10 days) of June.
Monday, 01 June 2015
Quite a lot has occurred in the last 12 hours
I was involved in another "SSP Alliance/Sphere Alliance Conference" (Series of them actually) last night/early this morning.
Sunday, 05 April 2015