David Wilcock Video Interview Edit/Release Update

I received an update this morning that DW is making serious headway on the editing and after effects.

Corey Goode    12 Apr 2015
 davidwilcock, video    29,209


I received an update this morning that DW is making serious headway on the editing and after effects. When I speak to him this evening to give him the full "briefing" from my "encounters" and "conferences" last night/this morning, I will see if he can give me a more accurate estimate on a completion time. I think it turns out some hours of video were not usable.

We shot at night at his home because of lighting and noise. Each night we would get going and before we knew it the time would be early morning. In quite a lot of the last hours of content I was so tired that I was starting to sound like I just got hit in the head with a cast iron frying pan... and my eyes were half open. Like I said I am not a public speaker and I kept saying "um" and words like "whatnot" quite often.

He is cleaning it up and fixing it as best as he can. But I am going to be attacked quite a bit as it is... Releasing hours of video where I can barely remember my own name because its 4AM and I am in LA but still on Central Time would only make things worse... He is doing well on the editing though...

We are making a separate project of me working with an Artist and CGI Pro to create images of all of the "beings" I have encountered as well as depictions of facilities and "vessels/craft".

I hope to have an update in the morning on the video interviews. We really barely scratched the surface of all the details as you may have guessed from the Dr. Salla Article that was just published... There is quite a lot more to talk about and release in upcoming Interviews on internet radio shows and with researchers...

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